Wealth Creation Journeys
Welcome to the Centerprising Wealth Creation Journeys Program page.
Our team has designed a portfolio of Journeys for Wealth Creators and Family Business Leaders to fast track wealth creation success. Topics range from how to invest in disruption to re-engineering the family enterprise and supporting family innovators. Each journey is described in their respective block on this page. For an overview of each Journey including the curriculum, please look for the Journeys Overview brochure by clicking on the Info Brochure/Registration button under the Materials tab on that page. Journeys launch monthly either at the beginning or middle of the month. Email us with additional questions at ProgramDirector@Centerprising.io.
Looking forward to fast track Wealth Creation together!

Journey 1— Power & Influence Within the Family Enterprise
A look into the different sources of power and influence within the family enterprise—formal roles, informal influence, cultural norms, and more. Recognize and exercise effective influence you and other stakeholders possess. Learn how to use them to achieve your wealth creation goals. Centerprising experts will help participants develop a feasible action plan to achieve a concrete goal that involves gathering support for a specific initiative you are spearheading. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.

Journey 2 (Part A)— The Family Constitution: Family Unity & Decision-Making
Understand why family unity is essential for effective decision-making and growing the collective wealth of your family enterprise. Learn about the key components of the family constitution, why they are building blocks of family unity, and how to develop a family constitution for your family. The journey will guide participants to develop a plan to engage in family dialogues for the family to understand the key pillars of family unity. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.

Journey 2 (Part B)— New Paradigm for Family Wealth Creation: Innovation Driven Governance & Ownership
Explore a new paradigm of family governance and ownership structures to create a family ecosphere of wealth creators potentially in a multitude of disruptive areas driven by talent and interest of Rising Generation family members. Learn how to support your innovators, engage with them, and keep them connected to the family enterprise so that the family benefits from their wealth creation success. The journey will guide participants to develop a plan to engage in family dialogues exploring this new paradigm. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.

Journey 3 (Part A)— Capturing Game Changing Opportunities: Profiting from Disruption
Profiting from disruption takes a specific mindset and approach. First, you need to have a long-term horizon and be willing to sustain small losses potentially over a long period of time for the possibility of a game changing payoff. Second, build an ecosystem of experts, innovators, and fellow investors to spot trends and gain access to high potential projects. Third, make many small bets often among a few competitors until you can spot clear winners. Fourth, secure continuing support from the family. This journey will guide wealth creators to develop a personal play book, which includes designing a systematic approach and assembling the necessary building blocks that can be applied to investing in a wide range of emerging trends. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.

Journey 3 (Part B)— Ahead of the Curve: Investment Approaches in Green Tech
Investing in emerging sectors is often fraught with risks and uncertainties. The Centerprising Team has curated resources to identify emerging trends, technologies, and business models uniquely relevant within the family enterprise context. We take participants on a deep dive into the specifics of investing in green technologies. We will guide you to develop a personal investing blueprint that is suitable and feasible within your personal and your family’s unique contexts with respect to legacy businesses, risk preferences, and other considerations. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.

Journey 4 — Navigating Disruptive Events
Investing in emerging sectors is often fraught with risks and uncertainties. The Centerprising Team has curated resources to identify emerging trends, technologies, and business models uniquely relevant within the family enterprise context. We take participants on a deep dive into the specifics of investing in green technologies. We will guide you to develop a personal investing blueprint that is suitable and feasible within your personal and your family’s unique contexts with respect to legacy businesses, risk preferences, and other considerations. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.

Journey 5— Family Office Design: Strategic Command for Family Wealth Creation
Family Offices are uniquely designed to meet the needs and fit the context of individual business families. This journey helps families think through the key aspects of family office design including organizational structure, governance, responsibilities of key roles, and funding. Participants will articulate one challenge related the family office and be guided by Centerprising experts to develop an action plan to address that challenge. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.

Journey 6— Finding your Purpose: Aligning Personal Interest with Wealth Creation
Rising Generation often don’t know how to connect their interests or talents to their wealth creation path. Or they perceive the two as in conflict, especially after layering in perceived family expectations. This journey helps Rising Generations create a strong link between their personal interests and wealth creation strategies, enabling young wealth creators to chart out a purposeful career path that is also high impact for the family. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.

Journey 7— Personal Wealth Creation Strategy: Blueprint to Fast Track Success
How do you achieve success as a young wealth creator? This journey introduces the 3 broad wealth creation approaches— intrapreneurship, entrepreneurship, and portfolio investor. We help young wealth creators determine which approach best fits their personality and guide them to develop concrete wealth creation goals and next steps that provide clarity to their career trajectory. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.

Journey 8— Developing High Performing Rising Gen Innovators
Motivated and ambitious rising generation who are emotionally balanced and purposeful in their pursuit of career and life goals is the bedrock of a thriving, multi-generational business family. This journey is designed for parents in business families to explore how to cultivate high performing rising generation talent, including how to set healthy expectations, provide opportunities, and guide their paths. PLEASE CLICK BELOW FOR INFO BROCHURE AND ENROLLMENT.
Brain Trust Membership
Building Innovators Brain Trusts
Trusted relationships are built on shared values, respect for partner’s judgment + expertise + good character, aligned incentives, and low-friction interactions. We bring business families and experts together in small group dialogues for facilitated peer problem solving as a powerful way to build trusted long-term relationships. Trusted peers can tap into each others’ networks facilitated thru Themed socials. These two activities power the talent base that members can tap into to assemble On-Demand Brain Trusts to tackle the hardest wealth creation problems families face; and collaborators to implement solutions.
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Consultation Request
Centerprising offers confidential consultations to business families globally. To request a session, please complete the following information form to help us assess which of our expert advisors is best suited to advise you and/or your family. We will respond to your request within 2 business days with the bio of suggested advisors and their fees.